Embroidery Fonts
Use the font links below to preview the name(s) you need.
Annabelle - not available as a ttf, but here is a link to the embroidery font.
As the deer - a very quirky font. Be sure to check your name(s)!
Barnyard - not available as a ttf, but here is a link to the embroidery font.
Delightful - generally not a quirky font, but look at the capital N if you have one!
Jack & Jill - generally not a quirky font, but look at the capital N if you have one!
Madeline - quirky lowercase s.
Magnolia Sky - we do not use the alternate swirls when stitching this font, just the letters.
One Thing - some quirky capital letters and some lowercase letters have loops.
Pharmacy - the I and J in this font stand taller than the rest of the letters. The capital A in this font is a little girly, consider all lowercase if you have a boy A name.
Pigtails - quirky A